*Non è consentito l’uso di alcun dizionario.  Le istruzioni sono in italiano, comunque se si hanno dubbi (solo istruzioni) alzare la mano per richiamare l’attenzione dell’insegnante. Gli studenti sorpresi a guardare i fogli di altri, parlare ecc. avranno il voto abbassato di esame abbassato di 4 trentesimi per volta. Gli studenti con cellulari o auricolari all’orecchio saranno sospesi dall’esame.



Imperativi. Completate le frasi, inserendo il numero giusto accanto alle parole della prima fila

- Act                      - Be                        - Calm                    - Cheer                   - Don’t                   - Take

1. it easy!              2. down!                3. quiet!                 4. worry                 5. your age!          6. up!


Domande indirette. Correggete gli errori nelle seguenti domande

- Do you know what time does the party start?

- Can you remember what number is her?

- Do you know if will there be any food at the party?

- Have you any idea is Sara going to be there?


Domande indirette. Riscrivete le domande nell’ordine corretto

- is Can you remember his name what ?

- A student Do you think is he ?

- Speaks if Do you know English he ?

- How old is he Have you any idea ?


Scrivete delle frasi con le seguenti parole usando il present perfect simple oppure continuous e le preposizioni for oppure since ESEMPIO: We are friends / over ten years = We’ve been friends for over ten years

- I know Sue Jones / we were at school together

- She works here / she left university

- She is looking for a new job / months

- She is learning to play the piano / last May

- She wants to be a musician / years

- She is married / 1998

- She’s living in New York / a few years now


Correggete gli errori nelle seguenti offerte e richieste (cancellando la parte scorretta e riscrivendo sopra la correzione)


- Would you mind to give me a lift to the bus station?

- Is it okay I make a coffee?

- I wondering if I could borrow this CD ?

- Would you like help you for a moment?



*Riscrivete queste offerte e richieste in modo che il significato sia lo stesso. Cominciate con le parole suggerite:


- Can we meet at 8.30, not 8.00? = Is it okay …

- Can I help you?  = Would you like …

- Will you wait here for a few minutes? = Would you mind …

- Could you lend me ten pounds until later? = I was wondering …


Sottolineate l’alternativa corretta nei seguenti dialoghi:

A: What do you do / are you doing?

B: I look / ‘m looking for my car keys

A: What does he look / is he looking like?

B: He  ‘s / ‘s being tall, dark, handsome and very rich.

A: That perfume smells / is smelling nice! What is it?

B: It’s called ‘Noire’. I’m glad you like / are liking it.

A: Why do you smell / are you smelling the milk?

B: It’s quite old. I think / ‘m thinking it’s off.

A We think / ‘re thinking of going to Paris this year.

B: Lucky you! I love / ‘m loving Paris.


Sottolineate l’alternativa corretta nelle seguenti frasi:

When did you decide to study / studying English?

Do you enjoy to learn / learning English?

Do you need to speak / speaking English for your job or studies?

Are you looking forward to finish / to finishing this test?


Phrasal verbs. Completate le frasi, inserendo la preposizione giusta

- Would you like to take ____  your coat?                    - Can you clear ____  the mess?     

-Why did they call _____ the meeting?                         - Do you want to give ____ smoking?          

- Don’t forget to switch ______ the TV!                       - Can you fill _____ this form?        

- Did you run ______ of petrol?                                     - Did you go _____ with some friends?


Completate i seguenti aggettivi relativi alla personalità:

- am______ious                                  - bo____ y                           - ch_____ky                        -e_____y-g______ing

-h_____d-w_____ing                       -irr_____ing                         -mis_____able                     -so______able


Inserite la preposizione corretta:

-Are you going _____ holiday this year?                     -When did you last speak _____ the phone?

-Are you in favour _____ the death penalty?              -Do you spend a lot of time ___ the internet?

-Who is sitting _____  your right at the moment?       -When were you last ____ a club? 

-Have you ever been abroad ____ business?                              -When did you first go _______ a date?


Completate il paradigma dei seguenti verbi: 

-Choose                                                -Draw                                                    -Freeze

- Kneel                                                  -Ring                                                     -Sink